Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Christmas Shoes

We will be reading the Christmas Shoes.  You will be expected to post a few sentences about the chapter that we read that day.  I want you to tell me how you feel about what we read.  Can you relate to the characters?  Does it remind you of something that has happened to someone that you know?


  1. This story is a really good story I feel really bad. The boys mom is going to die cancer is bad im kinda thinking that the head stone is the little boys mothers head stone and I feel bad for the man has a family his wife is leaving him.his daughtrs are going to be disappointed.

  2. I filt sorry for the little boy that is going to loes his mother,becaues I would be sad if I was going to loes my mother.Then I filt sorry for the petersons becaues they are going to get a devores,but they are going to weight after the holiday.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think the story is a good story. At the begin I got lost because I didn't know who the story was going to be about the boy or the Petersons. I feel sad for the little boy and his mother. At the begin I thought that the Petersons were going to be togher forever. After I found out that they were going to break up I felt sad for the children that wouldn't be able to see one of there parents over christmas. I was glad to hear that the parents are going to tough it out through thr season but I want to know how the relationship is going to end up being.

  5. I think the story is really good. I feel bad for the little boy because his mom is going to die sooner or later of cancer. Also the I have had a family member go through divorce and it was hard becuase I couldn't see my old aunt anymore. The Petersons are going to get a divorce but I think they should wait until like a month after Christmas.

  6. The boy's mom died of cancer.I felt so sorry for his loss. I would be so heart-broken if my mom died. But there is no way i'm going to let that happen. I'm not sure how my brother would react,but He would probably be mad.

  7. The boy is haveing a hard time. His mom has cancer and it is not looking good for her. It is kinda sad because the little boy is to little to undersand. They are tight on money but their house is still filled with love.

  8. I think it's sad that the little boy is going to lose his mother. I think it would be really hard to lose your mom. I think that they shouldn't get a divorce and see if they could work it out. Things will be a lot better for the kids if they don't.

  9. I agree with all of you. It is terribly sad for the little boy that his Mom is so sick. This is a sad story, but you will see that it has a good message to it. We'll have to wait and see if the Peterson's can work something out, or if they will in fact get a divorce. What are your predictions about the divorce? How about the Mom's illness. Will she get better, or will she pass away. Is it her grave that we visited at the beginning of the story or someone elses?

    Which do you think would be worse? Would it be worse to have a family member dealing with cancer, or to have your parents go through a divorce? Is there anything that the kids can do in either situation to help out?

    Would you rather come from a home with lots of love, but be very poor, or would you rather have a huge house, lots of money, and a parent that works 80 hours per week?

  10. i think it sad that the mother could not help make cookies with then.andeson meet the mrs.peterson.then she found out that she had cancer.Then it went to when peterson family when't there at there grandmothers houes.

    I think it would be harder to deal with someone that has cancer. no the childern could not help.

    a home with lots of love and very poor

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  12. I hope that they can wait until after christmas to break-up. Maybe, they can work it out. I think going through a divorce would be harder to deal with. Because they would be fighting all the time.

  13. I was very confused who the mother with cancer was talking to. I really like the idea that the neighbor would help hang up the Christmas light on the outside. It was funny that he said that he was afaid of his mother.

  14. Ya I would have to agree with mill231 my great-aunt had cancer and I never knew her until she got cancer. I had started to think about her more. It was hard for me to even look at her because she was part of the family. I look back and I don't want anyone to through all that pain.
    I would help my aunt out if I could in the past is stay with her and help her out for a while. The other thing is that I could have cared for her more.
    I would come to a home with lots of love and be poor. I wouldn't really care if people made fun of me if I was wearing really good clothes but I would like a home with my family there always and be there for me always and love me. I would like to have lots of money but I would want my parents a family there because if I didn't my life would be miserable and not in line for me.

  15. mill231
    It would be harder to deal with someone with cancer, because in a divorce they can work it out and stay together. The kids can't do anything about the divorce, but a parent with cancer the kids can spen lots of time with them.

    I would like to be in a house filled with love. Money can buy a lot of things, but it can't buy love.

  16. The mother and her son where taking about life and love and about there family a long time ago.
    then they started taking about his dad. then she toke him up to her room and then the when't to a tush and puled out a blanke or somthing like that.

  17. I would think that it would be harder to deal with someone with a divorce because you would still have people around you is better then losing someone that you can't see the person because they would be gone. And a couple with a divorce would just break up and up can still see them just not together.

    I like the part where the man helped her put her lights up and said that he was afriad of Dalton's mother. I like they part where the mother wouldn't make up her mind to where he would get the tree. I also like the part where the little girl said she was learning about bugs.

    It was heartbreaking when I heard that they decided to tell the mother and heard that the mother said that she was like her daughter and she was leaving. I like the part when the mother took charged and gave him her opinion. I think that the mother is right he should try to giving her himself not thing he thought she wanted. I agree with mother the whole convertation. I am glad that she is making hear what he needed the hear it is good for him. It was very sad to hear about how she watched her loving husband died right in front of her.

  18. The peterson's were fighting because the woman thought he was having an affair with some other woman. They were talking about love,family,and life.

  19. I thought that the guy who was scared of his mom was really funny. I would agree with slmoser that it is nice for the man to put up her Christmas lights up.
    When I found what kind of cancer it was that was sad because she probably wouldn't live any longer. She had to stay at home in a hospital bed with IVs in her arms and a mask around her nose.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. They are going through financial problems. They are planning to get a divorce, but they can't, not yet. They want their children to have the best Christmas ever, because they wouldn't understand why their marriage is over.

  22. I'm glad that you've all been posting. Someone posted under my name about cancer being the worst. I'm not sure how that happened. Also, someone deleted 2 peoples posts. I'm not sure how you're doing that, but please be careful not to delete other people's work.

    I love the comment about "you can't buy love." I think that's a big part of what the author is saying in this book."

    If the Mom with cancer was your Mom what would you give her for Christmas, knowing that this will be her last Christmas?

    Let's have a little poll. How many of you think that Peterson's will divorce after Christmas? Mariah, please post Kalsey's vote. Anthony, please post for Reis since I'm not there to get him going on this.

    I should be back tomorrow. I'm finally starting to feel somewhat better. 8th graders we'll review tomorrow and then take the test Thursday. I'm hoping to watch the movie on Friday with you guys if we get the book finished. If not, I will show you the movie after Christmas.

    7th graders hopefully we can get the book finished and watch the movie on Thurs. or Friday.

    Everyone needs to post and let me know how you feel about what you've heard this week while I've been gone.

    Mrs. Miller

  23. Please remember that everyone is suppose to have proof to me that you've read at least one book this sememster. It will hurt your grade if you don't have something to me by Friday. That will be the absolute deadline. If you have read more than 1 book bring me the proof and you'll get the extra credit.

  24. I think it kind of sad that the little boy is going to lose his mother. I is nice though that his teacher is just trying to help him not think about what is going to happen to his mother.

  25. I hope that she will wear her wedding dress. It would be pretty cool. It is really hard to follow the story, because it switches from family to family. It is kind of a sad story though.All together it is going to be a pretty good book I think.

  26. Well if I was Jack I would take my moms advice and not break up my family that I worked so hard for. So if i was him I would not let my wife just get up and leave me he should think about his kids and how they would feel about what they are fixing to do.

  27. So far it is a pretty good book. They had a great Christmas. Mother said to drive home safely. They called to let mother know they've got home safely

  28. This bok is acually getting pretty interesting at first it was kind of confusing because it was going back and forth to different families. Now I' am just waiting to get the book finished so I can watch the movie.

  29. I don't think that they should break up even after christmas. They think that they have done everything to stay together. The talk with him and his mother was very wierd for him.

  30. I don't think they would break up at all. I think the mother will talk to her and try to tell her what might be happen with their relationship. I think that the mother has alot of good reasons why they might be getting pulled apart.
    I like that Rachel to snuggle with her mom. I like that the 2 families are coming together really slowly. First the 2 mothers meet at the hostipal. Now the 2 dad met at the car shop. I also that the father is coming home for his lunch break to see how it is giong before he goes back to work.

  31. I haven't seen the movie either, even though I've read the whole book. I've heard the movie is excellent though.

    I agree with Clay that they shouldn't break up if at all possible. I think there are things they can work on to try to fix things first. Do you guys agree with that?

  32. thats cool that the richman helped nathan buy the shoes

  33. dang thats sad she dies on the night that he bought the cristmas shoes for his mother

  34. yes i agree with you guys. they were rememder the little girl daceing with her dad. then they told the little boy about what is going to happen to her. he ask his mom what will she do in heven. i think it is sad. that his mom is going to die. his mother was telling him what heaven will look like.the little boy does not wan't to go. the rich man frough to go x-mas shoping .then a little boy ran right in to him. Then we found out the little boy was the boy that had a sick mom. The little boy with the sick mom he bout her fack dimon shoes so she would look prety when she goes to haven.the sick mother die on x-max.

  35. The boy's dad said at dinner that his mom might go visit Jesus tonight. And the boy wanted his mom to look beautiful when she went to visit Jesus. So he went to the store to find her something. He found her some shoes. When he went to pay for them he didn't have enough money. They came up to $14.65 and he only had $4.00. He asked the cashier if he could bring the money tomorrow. The cashier said no and shook his head. The rich man paid for the shoes the put a $50 bill on the counter. The boy grabbed the package and turned around and told the man thank you. Then he ran out the door. The cashier asked him if he was ready to check and he said no. Then he set his stuff on the counter and left. he went home and he told his wife that he didn't get them anything for Christmas. He said that he didn't know what to get them. The woman had died they had her buried. They had watched the hearse leave when they put her in it.

  36. I thought it was pretty nice that the guy bought the shoes for the little boy so that he can give them to his mother before she dies.

  37. The little boy is really nice to give his mother shoes. The sad part about it was they were talking about her going to heaven and god is recieving her not taking her there or wanting her there. I would feel really uncomfortable about the situation they are talking about especially when she has little time left to live.

  38. It is really sad that the mom died. But it was good that they were there and got to say goodbye to her. I feel bad for the little boy because it is not the best thing to go through when you are eight.

  39. Its pretty sad that the little boys mother died on christmas. I thought it was kind of nice of the boys father to wake him in the middle of the night to let him know that his mother went to heaven. I know I would want to have as much time as I could get with my mother before we had to bury her.

  40. Ya clay I would agree with you. The woman dies and the old lady dies of a brain anurism. The other thing was that it was cool that they were reading the the christmas book. My great uncles family went to Bethlehem for Christmas the 18 through the 31. He was right where Jesus was born.

  41. Okay that would be cool to go to Bethlehem for Christmas! That may be one of my new goals in life.

    Which do you guys like better so far the book or the movie? Let's discuss the movie. What are some of the difference that you've noticed? Are you surprised that the two are so different?

  42. Well so far the movie started of backwards. Because what happen at the end of the book started at the begging in the movie. Also one of the things that messed me up is that she doesn't have cancer she has a heart problem. So far I like the movie better.

  43. Yup I would agree with Clay in the begining it started off from the end of the book. The girl was playing with her son with football and it didn't even seem like she had cancer or even a heart problem until a little bit into the movie. Also it said in the book that she had cancer but in the movie she has a heart problem and she has to get a transplant. The teenage boy must be really brave and his parents must think he is a hero for giving his heart to the women he doesn't even know. I can't believe that he did that just to save someone life from a heart disease.

  44. I thought the movie was a little sad but the guy was nice and helped buy the little boys shoes for his mother before she passed away and so she will have in heaven to wear.

  45. I thought it was kind of sad that Jack took out her stuff to dance with her since she wanted to. The other thing was it was really nice because it would be their last dance together before she left to heaven. They usually went and danced on their aniversary because they first met at a dance class. Jack didn't really want to be there but his mother made him. All this was from the movie. This movie is so far so good. I hope I get the movie soon.

  46. I agree with you mariah it was very nice that the man helped him buy those shoes. I think that man that helped him learned the real meaning of Christmas. When the boy came home with the shoes the mother loved them. The movie and the book are good I could not pick the best.
